Wednesday, December 16, 2009

15 week update

Total weight gain/loss: 3 lbs, only 1 lb gain at my apt. this week!
Next Appointment: Tuesday Jan. 12th, and it's the BIG one!!!
Maternity clothes? I have bought 2 pairs of jeans, 2 sweaters, 1 pair yoga pants, love the sweaters, I got them from and they are awesome! 1 pair black pants and a black/red dress shirt my sister gave me for Christmas
Stretch marks: none yet and hopefully not too many anytime soon
Sleep: Once I get to sleep I sleep REALLY good!
Best moment this week: I am not totally exhausted all the time like I was for awhile!
Movement: I have felt a few flutters, esp. at night when I am laying in bed!
Food cravings: Cantaloupe--very strange for a girl who's never liked it!
Food aversions: limiting soda intake as it's giving me a headache.
Gender: We both feel girl but we will know more Jan. 12th!!!
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: my jeans, I can't button them anymore!
What I am looking forward to: I'm looking forward to my belly 'popping' a bit more and feeling baby kick in the months ahead.
Contractions: none yet
Milestones: hitting 16 weeks tomorrow! Seems like a big one for some reason!

I have always been a little bigger, but this was at 13weeks on Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Week 11

Well it's been another week and although I think I am having MS symptoms (blurry vision) I won't know anything til I see the doc next week. But I've lost vision before and I know I will be okay!

Weight gain/loss: 2 pound gain
Stretch marks: None yet!
Sleep: not as exhausted during the day, I am sleeping better at night (most nights)!
Best moment this week: getting closer to 12 week apt. next week
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: back on carbs all the time!
Gender: Don't know yet! Can't wait to find out!
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: being able to keep my pants buttoned all day!
What I am looking forward to: almost out of the first tri!!!
Milestones: nothing really this week

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I can't believe it 10 weeks!!!

So today we are officially at 10 weeks, and like one of the girls on the board said 25% the way there.

Stretch marks: None yet!
Sleep: I am sleeping better than I had been for awhile.
Best moment this week: hitting the 10 week mark!
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Pizza, carbs, definitely no veggies yet.
Gender: Don't know yet, but Old Wives' Tale that a high heartrate tells of a girl has our sister-in-law and mother-in-law excited! and a dream of having a boy with another old wives tale saying it is the opposite has me thinking girl!
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to: finding out what we are having
Milestones: speaking with my mom and asking about her deliveries, I was so worried about how she would take her baby having a baby, and asking her to be in the room. Asking my BFF to be in the room.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lab Results

My OB called me yesterday and said all of my labs came back perfectly. I have no gestational diabetes, I'm good on my Rubella vaccine and am A+ blood type.

I really need to scan in our first ultra sound so I can post it on here.

The biggest symptom I am having right now is being tired all.the.time. I have issues sleeping at night, but am so tired during the day. I just want one nights good sleep. We even brought up my old bed from the basement because it's a little firmer than the bed we have now, so if I need to I can sleep in the extra bedroom.

Well it's 2:15 and I think I'm gonna go lay down and take a nap!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

8 week quiz

Stretch marks: None yet!
Sleep: still doing good, I am exhausted during the day!
Best moment this week: Seeing the heartbeat!
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Somedays I have morning sickness and it's hard to eat, other days I don't so I take advantage on those days!
Gender: Don't know yet, but Old Wives' Tale that a high heartrate tells of a girl has our sister-in-law and mother-in-law excited!
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly
What I am looking forward to: Getting through the first trimester
Milestones: Seeing our "bean" for the first time! And having our first apt. with the OB whom I LOVE!


Well I started off the day by having my first Glucose test and some bloodwork ran. I am ready for it to be tomorrow so that I can get the results on the Glucose test. The doctor is just worried because I am overweight, hopefully with no family history and no personal history everything will be fine!

I made an appointment while I was there for my first ultrasound for 3:15 so my hubby could go with me. So I drank my 32 oz of water and we got there, with me shaking the whole way because I needed to relieve my bladder so badly. The nurse saw me shaking so she came out and got us and took us to another room. We talked about due dates and things then she started. She had told us that because of how far along I thought I was that she may not get a heartbeat with the external but as soon as she started she was like "oh never mind I've already seen the heartbeat." So she did her measurements and found I was 7weeks 5 days (just 1 day behind what I had figured) and then she concentrated on the embryo so I could see the heartbeat. It was measuring at 170 beats and I started to cry. It was amazing and finally feels "real" to me!

She gave us a picture, let me go to the bathroom and said they won't be changing my due date since it's so close! She did say that it can be 2 weeks before or after my due date, so at the end of May or beginning of June we'll have a baby!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

First Appointment

Well we had our first appointment yesterday. It was pretty uneventful. We just got to visit with the nurse and ask her any questions. They took blood and a urine sample. Because of my history (I'm assuming my Multiple Sclerosis) she wants me to see the doctor ASAP, so I get to see her on Tues! I'm really excited to see/meet her. My best friend met her in med school and just loves her so I'm really ready to meet her myself!

My morning sickness is doing better, the biggest thing I'm having now is not sleeping and man do my boobies hurt!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quiz 6 weeks 5 days

How far along: 6 weeks, 5 day
Maternity clothes: I bought some pants, wore them once to combat bloat
Stretch marks: None yet!
Sleep: getting better, but mainly because I've been wearing myself out!
Best moment this week: Going to see my sister and talking babies
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Lots of food, like a whole meal!
Gender: Don't know yet
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: Not being exhausted all the time!
What I am looking forward to: First OB apt. this Thurs!
Milestones: making first trip to Maternity store.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our Journey

So we found out Tues. Sept. 29th that we are expecting our first little one. I decided this would be a good place to journal our journey. We have started calling our baby "the bean", because really what do you call it at 5 weeks?! We are both really excited, and had gotten off birth control and were trying to concieve.
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Quiz: 5 weeks, 5 days
How far along: 5 weeks, 5 day
Maternity clothes: None yet
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: I can't sleep
Best moment this week: Telling our families
Movement: None
Food cravings: Carbs, carbs and more carbs
Gender: Don't know yet
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: SLEEPING!!!
What I am looking forward to: First OB appointment 10/15
Milestones: Almost 1/2 way through 1st Tri!